Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wood Duck Dinner

"April" teased us for two nights, foregoing her dinner break as dozens watched ustream.tv/quacker-cam for her to cover the eggs before leaving. Not to be. But tonight she did not disappoint. It's amazing that she leaves not a trace of ever having been there. Anyone or thing peering in would have no clue of the treasure she has hidden below the down blanket.

Hey kids, I need another name. We're down to 14 days until they hatch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terri,

    We worked on names today, and we came up with names for the next 4 ducklings. For #3, we like "Donald". For #4, we like "Daisy". For number 5, we think a good name would be "Cinco", which is "5" in Spanish. Finally, duck number 6 should be "Mayo", which is May in Spanish.

    Thank you,
    Mrs. P's class

    Thanks, we are looking forward to the baby ducks, and we will check back in with more names.
