Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Friday, April 2, 2010

Aftershock Review Details

You asked... and I share my views. Here is my summary of the recommendations in the book Aftershock. Stay away from stocks, long term bonds and real estate investments until after the dollar bubble bursts. (It is apparently on the precipous). Timeframes? In the next 1-2 years housing values will plummet once more, banks will fail, unemployment, inflation and interest rates will rise to double digits. In the next 5 years this chaos will continue as the value of the dollar drops. Short term solutions: money markets and short term government bonds. Sell your massive homes now, buy smaller. Sell your collectibles while they still have value. If you're market savvy, shorting stocks using LEAPS is a good option. Safer is shorting bear fund stocks based on the S&P 500 index. Long-term: the world banking system is stressed meaning Gold ETFs and bullion and u.s. produced coal, grain and beef should be good. Aftershock predicts gold will remain strong for 10 years. Even with all the gloom, the secondary dip to come will not be depression level pain for the u.s. and the backside of the this slide will be a stronger economy based on real growth not debt bubbles. Thanks for asking.

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