Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Village Board Meeting 4/26

It was my first meeting. I requested that the Rules of the Board be changed to state that citizen positions on committees are to be held by non-trustees. Presently that is not the case and could be construed as priming the pump on decisions. Another topic of concern is the TIF expenditures for the sprinkling system at High Cliff Golf Course. I'm told it's been in the works for over 15 years now so there's history here that I simply haven't gotten to the bottom of yet. But it sure seems to me that the owner has little incentive to maintain the existing system when there's a promise of funds down the road. And I have trouble seeing how this expenditure raises revenues for the village. But it does fit in the definition of recreation improvements since the deal will result in properties for parks and trail easements. I voted against the program along with Joyce Laux. It passes. My focus must be the future. But I need your input continuously to know what you want for the future of our village. Be heard.

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