Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Friday, April 30, 2010

Doyle Damages Our State...Even More.

Govenor Doyle's passage of a global warming bill disguised as a 'green' jobs program will result in skyrocketing energy costs and 43,000 jobs lost statewide (according to a WPRI study). Your energy bills are estimated to triple because of the renewable electricity mandate costing WI residents $16 billion. And that's just one example of the harmful effect of this inept administration. You can attribute the coming higher gas prices, 61 cents per gallon, to cover another $3.2 billion for a global warming tax. The bottom line is this will cost more than $1000 per household each year over the 10 years of implementation. Spain lost 2.2 jobs for every temporary 'green' job, Germany spent $240,000 for every 'green' job it created and the programs have resulted in failure for all. Clearly, Governor Doyle and the Obama administration think that somehow because we're the U.S. we will have different results than the countries who failed before us. Sounds alot like the healthcare plan to me. The arrogance is astounding.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wood Duck Dinner

"April" teased us for two nights, foregoing her dinner break as dozens watched ustream.tv/quacker-cam for her to cover the eggs before leaving. Not to be. But tonight she did not disappoint. It's amazing that she leaves not a trace of ever having been there. Anyone or thing peering in would have no clue of the treasure she has hidden below the down blanket.

Hey kids, I need another name. We're down to 14 days until they hatch.

Village Board Meeting 4/26

It was my first meeting. I requested that the Rules of the Board be changed to state that citizen positions on committees are to be held by non-trustees. Presently that is not the case and could be construed as priming the pump on decisions. Another topic of concern is the TIF expenditures for the sprinkling system at High Cliff Golf Course. I'm told it's been in the works for over 15 years now so there's history here that I simply haven't gotten to the bottom of yet. But it sure seems to me that the owner has little incentive to maintain the existing system when there's a promise of funds down the road. And I have trouble seeing how this expenditure raises revenues for the village. But it does fit in the definition of recreation improvements since the deal will result in properties for parks and trail easements. I voted against the program along with Joyce Laux. It passes. My focus must be the future. But I need your input continuously to know what you want for the future of our village. Be heard.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

HUNTING: in State Parks approved

State Parks are no longer for all citizens, all year long. WI Statute 29.089 was passed to allow trapping and hunting on WI State Park Lands, giving the DNR the authority to regulate the activities. Now I feel safe knowing the DNR will ensure the safety of the residents of Sherwood living along the park boundaries and for my safety as I bird quietly in subdued colors. Don't you too? Contact the legislators and scream your opposition!

Friday, April 23, 2010

SFGC Bluebird Trail Report 4/23

Tree Swallow nests have been started in 6 nestboxes (#2, 4, 5, 8 10, 11). They are a neat placement of cupped grasses unlike the previous post showing a House Sparrow nest; sloppily built right to the roof. There are no bluebirds apparent at this time. I trapped and destroyed 3 House Sparrows and 2 eggs. Box #9 had a dead Tree Swallow (seen here), with a House Sparrow nest built atop her. Devils. The male HS will enter the box immediately after the Swallow, trapping her and peck her to death with that vicious seed-eating beak. Yes I'm mad. It was good intention that lured that Swallow to her death. Vigilance must prevail.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

VIDEO -Keeping Warm on Cold Nights

You can see that our hen has so many down feathers pulled from her breast to create the brood patch that ensures direct warmth to the eggs, but also pulled from her back and under her wings. I doubt she has a single one left. The down is mixed with the 4" of pine shavings we placed in the box for her to start with. I'm sure it helps alot on a cold night like last night.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Live cam now available

I'll continue to post the small video clips every couple days of the best activity but incase you'd like to view for yourself, we'll do our best to keep a live stream during the day from 6:00am to 9:00pm. You can link to the live stream via www.ustream.tv/channel/quacker-cam-wood-duck-nesting. Enjoy and thanks for watching.

Monday, April 19, 2010

VIDEO: Breakfast time

The past couple nights have been really chilly and April hasn't left for the usual breakfast break. Today it was a bit warmer and she decided to take the break at 6am. We can watch her preparing to leave the nest, making sure to cover each egg thoroughly.

Barack Country Song

I can't help but be sarcastic when hearing that it's the rich that are unhappy with Obama's plans to bring 'fairness' to our country. This video clearly shows that downhome, no frills folks feel the same trepidation about the course this administration is taking us...inspite of our growing protestations.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

4/18 Sherwood Forest Bluebird Update

Diane and I set off at 8:00am to check the 17 nestbox bluebird trail. We found box #2 had a partial nest that looks promising as a bluebird nest though none were in sight. Several others have active Tree Swallow pairs claiming boxes. We also found the expected diligence of House Sparrows. These nests are sloppy, filling the box with all kinds of grasses and trash. These nests were removed in accordance with BRAW guidelines.
If you would like to assist in monitoring this trail, let us know.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Wood Duck's Daily Chores

What does April do in the box all day long? She sleeps, she pulls downy feathers, and she rolls those eggs about every half hour to keep them equally warm on all sides. Today she didn't take a morning breakfast (much to my disappointment as I was outside from 5:00am-8:00 hoping to capture a shot of her leaving). I'll bet she's getting hungry.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April's Down Comforter

The incubation is in full swing. You can see how extensive the downy blanket is she made. April is a dedicated hen. She sits on the nest all day with the exception of a short 30 minute break at about 6:00am and again about 7:00 pm. Not much time to stretch her legs and enjoy a meal with Apollo. Mark your calendar. We should have hatchlings by about May 10th. Maybe every couple days until then, Mrs. Petersen's class would like to come up with 13 names for the chicks. Have fun kids!

Bluebird Trail - Sherwood Forest Golf Course

The baseline nestbox check on Sunday showed that Tree Swallows have arrived in forced. They are amazing flyers with irridescent blue uppers and white lower parts and a lovely liquid chortle they speak to each other. The nests for bluebirds and swallows will begin in earnest now. A male was spotted along the 3rd hole. I am trapping non-native House Sparrows. If you're curious about this process, feel free to invite me to show you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Village Board Meeting 4/12

The board approved (with the exception of Joyce Laux) the TIF funding of the High Cliff Golf Course to the tune of $349,000 for an automated watering system. The original bid was $318,000 last fall. I'm more than disappointed that no board member attempted to negotiate the increase of $30,000 nor suggested that perhaps the project should be rebid, at least there was no discussion at this meeting for the public to hear. I officially take my position at the next meeting on the 26th. I would have joined Joyce in a no vote had I been on active duty. We gain what? Three 1 acre non-contiguous parcels of property. There is little protection for our village. The legalities request this property remain a golf course. But if it goes into foreclosure is the bank or the next buyer obligated to that promise? Supposedly, but then why is the bank concerned about formal easements for walking trails? Living on the 13th or 14th fairway, you may lose the privacy of your backyard view that you've enjoyed up to now. But living on the golf course I guess you'll appreciate the more lush, deep green grass rather than the pockets of unkempt 'rough '. I realize that sarcasm isn't helpful, even disrespectful, but this blog is about sharing opinions openly. I hope you'll speak up too. It 's the only way I know how YOU want me to vote on the next issue.

VIDEO: Bug in my box

To Mrs. Petersen's 3rd grade class: "April" is incubating her eggs now, apparent as she is on the nest constantly. I believe there are 13, the same as last year. This video shows her getting a small snack while 'working'. I'm setting up a blind at an unintrusive distance and hope to capture her leaving the box in the next few days. There is no sign of "Apollo". He is hiding somewhere, I just haven't found him. Perhaps early in the morning he'll show.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

VIDEO: Pulled Downy

Today on day nine of laying, April pulled several downy feathers from her breast. The "brood patch" puts her skin in direct contact to warm the eggs during incubation. This video clip shows her covering the eggs before leaving for the day, hiding her precious creation.

Friday, April 9, 2010

VIDEO- Watch the Wood Duck action!

"April" laid her 8th egg this morning, taking an extra long nap afterward with bill tucked under her wing due to the 25 deg temps. She'll be cautious not to let the temperature of the eggs rise to the minimum incubation temp until she has laid the full brood, 10-15 typically.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thank You Voters

Just a brief note of appreciation to all of you who took the time to cast your vote of support. I will officially join the Board as Village Trustee on April 26th. But your concerns are my concerns today and I'm interested in hearing from you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Phosphorous Reductions

The newly proposed rules would affect industry and municipal wastewater treatment plants that release phosphorus in their discharges to Wisconsin water bodies following the parameters already in place for farming operations.

Too much phosphorus entering our waterways generates excessive algae growth. We've seen the affects on Lake Winnebago in particular. Several public hearings on the proposed rules are held throughout the state this month. FYI: April 20, Green Bay City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 203, 100 N. Jefferson, St. at 1:00pm.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Woodduck Egg #3

I've named her April. She's likely the same female that nested last year but I didn't have Quacker Cam then to capture her activities. She arrived at 6:46am much later than yesterday, laid her 3rd egg, covered the grouping of eggs with shavings and departed at 7:55. He waited patiently and the pair flew off to other foraging grounds until tomorrow. Departing helps keep the presence of a nest 'hidden'.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wood Duck Cam

My husband installed a bird cam in our wood duck box so we can share the joy of nature with you. This is day two of laying. She'll continue to lay one egg per day 10-15 eggs total before incubating. We hope to add live streaming soon so you can see her tend to the eggs up through the big day of fledging the brood.

Stumping for Village Trustee

Friday was spent meeting residents as I traveled on foot throughout the village for a second day. Over 100 homes were visited and I spoke with many concerned citizens about the rapid growth in Sherwood. Saturday will be another big day for me to meet and greet. Thanks to those of you who support my efforts by passing the word... Vote Terri.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Aftershock Review Details

You asked... and I share my views. Here is my summary of the recommendations in the book Aftershock. Stay away from stocks, long term bonds and real estate investments until after the dollar bubble bursts. (It is apparently on the precipous). Timeframes? In the next 1-2 years housing values will plummet once more, banks will fail, unemployment, inflation and interest rates will rise to double digits. In the next 5 years this chaos will continue as the value of the dollar drops. Short term solutions: money markets and short term government bonds. Sell your massive homes now, buy smaller. Sell your collectibles while they still have value. If you're market savvy, shorting stocks using LEAPS is a good option. Safer is shorting bear fund stocks based on the S&P 500 index. Long-term: the world banking system is stressed meaning Gold ETFs and bullion and u.s. produced coal, grain and beef should be good. Aftershock predicts gold will remain strong for 10 years. Even with all the gloom, the secondary dip to come will not be depression level pain for the u.s. and the backside of the this slide will be a stronger economy based on real growth not debt bubbles. Thanks for asking.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

40 homes were visited yesterday as I campaigned for Village Trustee. More of you will see me today and throughout the weekend. You'll know my position is first and foremost fiscal responsibility. As a small business owner, I think taxpayer funds should be treated as cautiously as I treat my own income. I also maintain a high regard for informing citizens and gathering feedback before my vote is cast. This blog will aide me in hearing your views.

I respectfully ask for your vote on Tuesday April 6th.