Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama Set Back, A Vote For Freedom

Americans have spoken. We've exercised our right to choose our Country's path, to choose the direction we want for our State, both in very serious economic strife, and today the people win. Some believe this election is a pronouncement against the Obama administration, others see the outcome as a vote against all incumbants which expresses sheer disgust with all government. Many are disappointed, even angry with the President who they believed would bring a new unity among Americans greater than ever before. That he would change government, not make it even more bloated. Obama's attacks against citizens that don't support his actions is atrocious. Never have I heard or seen this type of low level political rhetoric from the leader of the greatest country in the world. It's simply unpresidential and shows a complete lack of respect for his role in leading ALL the people. With the results in we can now hope that a new direction will take shape. Not a reversal to the same stagnant position we saw in previous administrations but a rebirth of the founding principles, where we the people embrace the republic under which we are blessed to live with freedoms to achieve or fail, with honor, with integrity, and renewed faith in the American way.

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