Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Monday, May 3, 2010

Names for the ducklings

From Mrs. P's 3rd Grade Sheboygan WI class:

We worked on names today and came up with the following: #3 "Donald", #4 "Daisy", #5 "Cinco" (since we're learning Spanish), #6 "Mayo" (which is May in Spanish).

You kids are sure using your creative skills. Nicely done. I love the mix of English and Spanish. April assures me she'll be able to keep track of who's who.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Terri,

    We have come up with some more new names. For #7, we like "Duckie", #8, "Quackie", #9 "Daffy", #10 "Madera" (which is "wood" in Spanish, and finally, for #11, "Sheridan" after our school.

    Thanks again,
    Mrs. P's class
