Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Emergency Preparation

The Japan tragedy has put many of us on alert. The likely concern in our area is tornado destruction. Although, even at that the swath a tornado cuts is very narrow affecting a relatively small area and as such, neighbors in surrounding areas would be there to help with emergency supplies.

I think the greater likelihood of our entire village suffering a blow from nature is in the form of an ice storm where power is down for 3 weeks or more. Here's MY RECIPE for preparing for the possibility of nature's fury, simply and cheaply. These bare essentials will support of family of FOUR for 3 weeks.

  1. Five gallon container of water from Culligan or like supplier.
  2. Beans and rice. Six pounds each of dried beans and brown rice.
  3. A propane powered camping stove and four gas canisters.
  4. A chest and plastic containers for storage of food.

These items will store indefinately if kept cool and dry. Buy it, store it, and sleep well knowing your family will get through a tough time very nicely.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Interesting Bird Factoids

Did you know that the Belted Kingfisher often see around our village ponds builds its nest by digging a 3-6 foot long and narrow tunnel in the side of an embankment where its young are raised until able to fly? I encourage you to share our own factoids or ask questions.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Note to Senators

My note to WI (R) Senators... in appreciation.

I’m a conservative patriot to the core. I detest what the unions have done to this country. And even though my husband is a teacher and we stand to see a cut of thousands in our income, I stand with you. What’s RIGHT is sometimes very difficult but honor doesn’t come free and I’m willing to make that sacrifice to bring independence to Wisconsin and a voice to the taxpayers.

Now, you realize that support will turn against you the instant government waste you support is made public. We’re willing to pay our fair share, but NOT to ensure an able individual maintains tax breaks for making babies, incurring mortgages and free medical care.

Your strategy for success should be to reduce waste and expose fraud. With that, you’ll have the hearts of all citizens here in Wisconsin and the country. Set the pace for the nation.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Walker Budget Affect On Sherwood

If Governor Walker's budget passes, Sherwood will have new fiscal pressures since state funding will be cut dramatically. Does this mean your Village taxes will increase? Sherwood residents have already had the maximum increase allowed by our village by-laws. It would take a referendum vote in favor of an increase. You may see increases from the local school districts including Fox Valley Technical College as those operations would also see less state funding.

I am exploring options to reduce costs for future non-infrastructure projects as a means of containing costs and will post that proposal once the state decision is made and we can accurately predict the impact to our village. As always, your input is appreciated.