Let the rebirth begin.

Let the rebirth begin.
Americans Unite

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness from Americans if they can prevent the Government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
--- Thomas Jefferson

It is uncanny that men 150 years ago had the vision to see what degradation could potentially occur. Jefferson and others warned us. We stopped paying attention when we allowed the supreme court to interpret the Constitution as they saw fit and forbid the pledge and prayer in schools. That led to dropping the teaching of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

So here we are, the hapless sheep who've been taught 'tolerance' have now allowed ourselves to not even realize that We The People, emboldened by our Constitution can decide the fate of our country. Is it too late? Are we too weak, too tired, too dependent on Government to wean ourselves from its grasp and flourish like the leaders who came before us with integrity, honor, commitment, faith and courage.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quote of the Day

I've been reading a lot the past couple months about our constitution, the founding fathers and assessing why we think we can follow the mistakes of European countries before us and not have the same sad result. More than a century ago, men who gave us liberty could see the dangers and they had less education and less comparative wealth than those men now deciding the fate of our country. The founding fathers did have in abundance HONOR and INTEGRITY.

A democracy ceases to exist when you take from those willing to work and give to those who would not. ---Thomas Jefferson